La Danaide | Rodin
La Danaide | Rodin is a statue by Rodin in 1885. The Greek mythology tells of Danaide and her forty-nine sisters who were married to the fifty sons of Aegyptus. Their father Danaos, who has a conflict with Aegyptus, commissions his daughters to murder their husbands on their wedding night. As punishment for their felony they are condemned to the underworld, where they have to fill barrels of water which never get filled to eternity. Rodin saw in this story a chance to visualize the complete exhaustion of the female body. The marble accentuates the flowing lines and reflects the aesthetics of Art Nouveau.
(Source: Wikipedia)
Rodin was a sculptor of Impressionism. He used the expression of nature to show the livelyness of his work. His work is characterized by the irregular surface on which the lighting causes glare. The glare display the image motion. This effect was not what he sought. In this way of exhibiting his work Rodin tried to show the steps of the sculpture. Like painters build up their work in color and light spots, in a similar way Rodin builds his sculptures from clay and bronze. By allowing the viewer a look into the creative process, Rodin showed the temporal aspects in his work to emerge. Another feature of impressionism in sculpture is the view that art is autonomous, form and intention are one unity and the viewer can see how the work was created. Therefore it sometimes seem that the work is not finished.
(Source: Wikipedia)
The volatile Impressionism of Rodin, who was friends with Claude Monet, Pierre Auguste Renoir and Stephane Mallarme, reached unprecedented levels. Émile-Antoine Bourdelle, Aristide Maillol, Charles Despiau, François Pompon, the Argentine Sesostris Vitullo, the German Georg Kolbe and Russian Soudbinine came under his influence.
Besides the countless sculptures he produced an impressive number of quick sketches, drawings and whether or not gerehausseerde watercolors, often with confusing eroticism so that some critics called him sexually obsessed.