Welcome to Domino Design
Welcome to Domino Design, Court of Fine Arts. a gallery, a design studio, a studio, a museum shop, a restaurant, in short, a complete department store in the visual arts.
Domino Designer you can find all the arts under one roof as an integrated art company, but wait, more than a just a business. If you have studied the history of art you see periods like the Gothic Revival, Jugendstil, Art Nouveau, the Style, the Amsterdam School where artists were an architect, but also furniture designer, jewelery designer, painter. You see a combination of all the arts, painting, design, architecture, sculpture, performance art etc. There were at that time certain ideal visions: the Gothic Cathedral in which all art forms came together but also in the world of theater: music, costumes, light, ballet , scenography, everything came together in what was called a Gesamtkunstwerk. That is the perspective of Domino Design. Because nowadays there is 'cultural entrepreneurship' and the artist also has to earn a living through his work, which culminates in Domino Designer from a department store of visual arts. Hence Domino Designer also can be compared with a department store among the visual arts.